Welcome my friend! I am Henry Low.
Are you ready to take your presentation deck to the next level?
If so, then you have come to the right place.

Here is the deal by Henry Low:
- If you find your slides too wordy and long-winded …
- If you find your slides looking too boring and not engaging …
- If you are struggling on how to present your data clearly …
- If you always lose control of your audience attention …
Then I will help you to get where you want to be without spending a boatload of money on hiring designer or buying expensive software.
Here’s How PresoMakeover Can Help You Craft A Winning Deck… Right Now!
I strongly believe every good presentation requires a good deck. However, the problem is most people believe that they do not have the artistic talent to create stunning looking slides.
That is where PresoMakeover comes in.
I have spent more than a decade of my professional life specializing in creating presentation deck for my employers and clients.
Over the years, I have developed a weird way of looking at presentation slides.
Like almost every other skills in life, once you can obtain the magic formula, all you need is just the right coaching.
I have stumbled upon a unique step-by-step formula that allows anyone, who can use PowerPoint or Keynote, to create his or her own perfect deck.
My passion now is to educate and empower all people with the ability to deliver their ideas that stick in their audience minds, through the help of some professional looking slides.
There Are No Longer Any Excuses
I want to eliminate all excuses prohibiting anyone from making great slides. You already have all you need to get your killer presentation slides ready. You just need a new way of thinking.
PresoMakeover will change the way you think about presentation slides forever. If you are ready to get started, browse around my website.
Everything I publish here is super actionable and designed to help you create a nice looking slide in less time than you can ever imagine. And most importantly, it does not require you to have any design background.
You will get my years of studying, experimenting, hands-on designing, and criticism, all distilled into the most proven methods, techniques, mindsets, and philosophies so you can turn those lack luster slides into an awesome deck!
Finally, while you are here, make sure you sign up for my free private newsletter to receive exclusive tips and insights that you can apply immediately to improve your slides for the next presentation.
I hope that my experiences – both my wins and my failures – can help you reach your goals.